Friday 7 March 2014

What is the point of fish oils??

Fish oils have pretty much become the new superfood it seems, but why are they important and why do pretty much EVERYONE suggest adding them to your daily diet??

MOST Fatty Acids can be synthesized by the body, BUT ALA (Omega 3) and Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) which are both polyunsaturated can only be obtained by the diet...ALA can be found in sources like flax, walnuts, etc. Omega 6's such as DHA and EPA are found in sources like algae and Fish Oils.

Fish oils keep the cells fluid, and helps increase Insulin Sensitivity by increasing insulin receptors in the blood! We all know that insulin sensitivity is important when it comes to maintaining a lean body composition! (when we are insulin sensitive our carbohydrate i.e gyclogen stores, go 10-15 % to our liver and 85% to our muscle VS if we are insulin resistant 10-15% goes to the liver and 85% goes to fat stores!) This being said, there are still a HOST of other benefits, including, helping with cardio function, nervous system function, and immune health. They encourage you to use your own fat stores as energy, increase leptin levels, help with recovery and reduce chronic inflammation! They SERIOUSLY ARE a SUPERFOOD!

I would normally take my fish oils in the morning in the evening. In general, if you are going to take them with a meal, try and take them with a protein/fat meal.

3-15grams/day is a general guideline for intake. (OR 1.5g/%BF, if you know it) It's highly unlikely that you will take too much, but they ARE a natural blood thinner, so if you take too much you may get a nosebleed!!!

When you are looking at the label on your fish oils, look for oils that have a higher ratio of EPA:DHA (EPA for inflammation, DHA for Brain Function) also look for the fish sources to be SMALL fish, i.e. sardines, which tend to be lower in mercury.

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