Monday 21 January 2013

Week 22 Progress and 17 Weeks to go till Competition!!!

I'm back from family vacay just over two pounds lighter...oooops. I knew that I wasn't getting in my whole 2100 calories per day but was hoping the fact that I wasn't working out at all, would balance everything out! Ah well, lesson learned.  At least I know now, with little changes in intake it'll start coming off easily!! (for a while anyway)  I missed progress photo's and weigh in last week because we were away, but I won't be missing any updates from here on out!!!

(Aug 1st, Jan 7, Jan 21)

I just finished the 12 week James Wilson Body Earned Program (without cardio) and it was recommended to take a full week off before going on to something else! I'm glad that landed while I was on vacation because it was SO HARD to take time away from the gym!! I did end up going the day after we got back for a speedy "sanity circuit". I know I know, I have to learn to rest!!! Other than that, I took the entire week off ( it sure did a body good!!!) and I'm READY to get back at it today!! :)

As for the plan this week....

I'm sticking with 2100 Calories as I seem to be losing little by little with that. I don't want to get too ahead of myself! I will REALLY evaluate at 12 weeks out! I'm going for a VERY slow lean out as I want to keep as much of my muscle as possible!!! I'm not to worried that I won't be able to get lean, I'm more worried that I will look scrawny once I do! I've found it SO HARD to put on good muscle!!!

It's funny!! As a woman, I've always wanted to be lean..and I was so excited for this upcoming leanout phase, but now that I'm saying goodbye, all I can think about is, after this competition is over I CAN'T WAIT to get back to trying to gain more muscle mass!!!

I've been reading more and more about protein consumption. I've been eating 40%protein, and at this higher calorie intake I'm pretty much consuming really expensive carbs. I don't need that much!!! However over the past few months, I've noticed my body doesn't react well to a higher carb diet either! (or I feel bloated on it at least) The solution?? I'm going to try increasing fats instead and see what happens! So my breakdown this week will be 30% Pro, 40% Carb, and 30% Fat.

On another note, I started sleep training with my daughter and she's in her own crib and doing great!!! More sleep for me should REALLY help things out as well!!! :)

So I'm Signing out till Wednesday!! A little birdy tells me that there will be an awesome giveaway announcement that I WISH I could have gotten in on!!! Keep your eyes peeled because you won't want to miss it!!! :) Hopefully it will be ready to start by Wednesday!!!

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